Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tips for managing The Storm Eye

Tips for managing The Storm Eye

To stop everyone simply holing up and avoiding combat until everyone dies of boredom, Fortnite Battle Royale makes use of something called The Storm Eye. This playable circle decreases all the time, and if you're not fighting inside of it you're going to take lethal damage extremely quickly.

Many players like to hover around the edge of the circle, moving with the perimeter as it shrinks, but this is not going to lead you into a winning position by the time the end-game rolls around. At this stage, you really need to build as solid a base as you can manage, using the strongest materials that you've managed to scavenge along the way.

If you use weaker materials, you simply run the risk of having your current opponent blow it to smithereens using explosives, and leave you desperately under-defended in the process. This problem is only confounded of course if they've made their base out of sturdier stuff themselves.

Back to The Storm Eye for a moment though. You must maintain continual awareness of where you are relative to this circle, and be ready to move at a moment's notice. You do not want to end up in a firefight while the walls are closing in around you, and it's going to take practise to make this situational awareness second nature.

Tips and Tricks

How to recover health ( Fortnite Guides )

How to recover health :

It's possible to recover health - or prevent taking damage in the first place - by making use of three different mechanics in the game:

Bandage: These drop in stacks of five and restore 15 points of health each. Try to have a few of these on you at all times, but bear in mind that these cannot heal you to maximum health - only to 75. 
Be careful not to waste these precious resources, but at the same time don't play too loose with your precious health if a fight is imminent!
Medkit: These suckers heal you up for 100 health. Note that you can only have three of these on you at any given time.
Mini Shield Potions: These are thin, blue tubes of juice that'll grant you 25 armour each. As they're smaller you can horde quite a number of them too, so make sure you keep a few in your inventory to top yourself up here and there.
Large Shield Potions: These are arguably the most important pick-ups in the game. These add a 50-point shield to your health bar. There's no damage-mitigation effect here, just an extra buffer to your standard health.
Slurp Juice: These are epic rarity equivalents of 1 Mini Shield Potion + 1 Bandage, except they restore 25 armour and health over a period of 25 seconds. Great for chugging just before a fight!
Chug-jug: These enormous kegs of juice take 15 seconds to down but restore both your health and shields to maximum.

Tips and Tricks


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