Tuesday, July 17, 2018

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SSD Spawn Maps

SSD Spawn Maps

Every Storm Shield Defense Spawn

Ready to defend your Storm Shield? Good! It is one of the most fun things to do in Fortnite. You can build up a massive base purely for defense, or maybe build it a little for aesthetics. Once you leave, the base remains behind unlike every other mission type in the game, so you can really go all out and sink ten tons of resources into it.
However, one potential little issue that some may find is that you don’t know where the enemies will spawn, but I’m here to help, Young Commander! Below are maps of every spawn point I’ve seen in the Storm Shield Defense missions. It is a possibility they are not perfect and may change depending on which amplifier you choose to put down.

How These Spawns Work

When you first put down your Storm Shield, the spawns will be close by and attack the Storm Shield hub. As you get to around placing the second amplifier, the husks won’t attack the hub anymore, they will target amplifiers. For spawns that happen at amplifier spots, they will no longer spawn there once you place the amplifier. They will spawn further out to attack it.

Stonewood Storm Shield Defense Map :


Plankerton Storm Shield Defense Map



Where are Canny Valley and Twine Peaks Storm Shield Defense Maps?

I’ll add Canny and Twine once I get through them. Plank and Stonewood are done through SSD 10, so I could be sure I saw all the potential spawns I could see. I want it to be the same with Canny and Twine. However, at the moment (April 11th 2018) I am only at about Canny SSD4 and making the long painful grind through the non-storied quests. So it will be a spell before I get these up, but once I unlock the ability to do CV 6 through 10, I’ll make it a priority, rest assured.
In the mean time, there have been reddit users who created their own maps. You can check those out at the links below while I slowly chug along like the most useless train.

Stonewood is the first location that players unlock on the PVE map. It has a recommended power level of 1-19. Players will need to complete all the missions on this map before unlocking Plankerton. There are over 50 buildings and landscapes to explore. Players will learn to build structures, place traps and defend their from waves of husks. This is the beginning zone for all new PVE players, so there are several tutorial missions to complete. 
  • Constructor Leadership - Unlock Constructor Leadership Tree Node
  • EMT Worker (Slot) - Assign a Survivor to the 1st EMT Squad Slot
  • Unlock Squads - Purchase the Unlock Squads Skill Tree Node
  • Before and After Science - Complete a Fight the Storm mission
  • Weakpoint Vision - learn how to swing for the weakpoint and reap additional rewards. 
  • Loot Llamas - Redeem a Mini llama from the Loot tab. Purchase and Upgrade Llama from the Loot tab. 
  • Stonewood Storm Shield Defense 1 - Players will learn how to establish a storm shield, activate it and then defend it. 
  • Ride the Lightning - Help Lars find and rescue his van
  • Stonewood Storm Shield Defense 2 - Increase your Storm Shield power level and defend.


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