Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tips for managing The Storm Eye

Tips for managing The Storm Eye

To stop everyone simply holing up and avoiding combat until everyone dies of boredom, Fortnite Battle Royale makes use of something called The Storm Eye. This playable circle decreases all the time, and if you're not fighting inside of it you're going to take lethal damage extremely quickly.

Many players like to hover around the edge of the circle, moving with the perimeter as it shrinks, but this is not going to lead you into a winning position by the time the end-game rolls around. At this stage, you really need to build as solid a base as you can manage, using the strongest materials that you've managed to scavenge along the way.

If you use weaker materials, you simply run the risk of having your current opponent blow it to smithereens using explosives, and leave you desperately under-defended in the process. This problem is only confounded of course if they've made their base out of sturdier stuff themselves.

Back to The Storm Eye for a moment though. You must maintain continual awareness of where you are relative to this circle, and be ready to move at a moment's notice. You do not want to end up in a firefight while the walls are closing in around you, and it's going to take practise to make this situational awareness second nature.

Tips and Tricks

How to recover health ( Fortnite Guides )

How to recover health :

It's possible to recover health - or prevent taking damage in the first place - by making use of three different mechanics in the game:

Bandage: These drop in stacks of five and restore 15 points of health each. Try to have a few of these on you at all times, but bear in mind that these cannot heal you to maximum health - only to 75. 
Be careful not to waste these precious resources, but at the same time don't play too loose with your precious health if a fight is imminent!
Medkit: These suckers heal you up for 100 health. Note that you can only have three of these on you at any given time.
Mini Shield Potions: These are thin, blue tubes of juice that'll grant you 25 armour each. As they're smaller you can horde quite a number of them too, so make sure you keep a few in your inventory to top yourself up here and there.
Large Shield Potions: These are arguably the most important pick-ups in the game. These add a 50-point shield to your health bar. There's no damage-mitigation effect here, just an extra buffer to your standard health.
Slurp Juice: These are epic rarity equivalents of 1 Mini Shield Potion + 1 Bandage, except they restore 25 armour and health over a period of 25 seconds. Great for chugging just before a fight!
Chug-jug: These enormous kegs of juice take 15 seconds to down but restore both your health and shields to maximum.

Tips and Tricks

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

All Fortnite Traps

If you play Fortnite Save the World like its Call of Duty, it certainly can be done, but you are going to have to take a timeout every few missions to go round up a bunch of nuts and bolts for all that ammo you use up. Instead, you can spend less material for a trap that murders all those husks for you. However, you need to know what traps are effective for what sort of situations. You also need to take care in leveling traps with relatively decent rolls. You don’t want want a level 3 trap with terrible rolls because chances are something better will come along much sooner. So head on down below to learn all about trappin’.

Wall Traps

Wall Darts

This trap shoots darts out in a straight line in front of it damaging enemies. Excellent for the far end of kill tunnels in which multiple enemies will be in a straight line. These darts only have a maximum range of three tile, but they can shoot over low walls and pyramids. As they do not require precious nuts and bolts, they also are a good “I want to put a trap on this wall, but I don’t want to spend a lot of resources” trap.

Wall Dynamo

Let’s out a big shock burst in front of the trap area. These wall traps feature both high damage and a stun for enemies, but the trade-off is that it has a long reload time. The major benefit is that this is one of the few traps you can put on low walls making it great for combining with other traps like having wall darts on a full wall behind your half wall.

Wall Launcher

A spring loaded launcher that can launch husks 1 to 2 tiles away. This offers a light stun in the form of a knockback. However, the best way to utilize these traps, aside from keeping husks off important walls, is to launch husks off a cliff or into a basement pit with no stairs upwards. In both situations, those husks will despawn.

Wall Lights

A set of lights that turn on to stun husks. This is an excellent choice for stunning husks so you can shoot them. However, it is best utilized to stun husks in ceiling gas traps or other damage traps, especially those with a fast reload.

Wall Spikes

It’s a board. With spikes on it. This trap can be placed on any size wall and has a low reload time. This trap essentially does damage every time a husk beats on that wall, but the wall will still take damage. The damage is, unfortunately, low, though so it is difficult to make great use of.

Ceiling Traps

AOE Ceiling Zapper

A trap that send an AOE shock pulse out in a 3×3 field from the center. This bad boy is excellent for clearing a lot of weak husks, but at least one husk has to pass immediately under it to trigger.

Single Target Ceiling Zapper

It zaps a single target. This is like a wall dynamo for the ceiling. It does a lot of damage, but takes a while to reload. Decent if you have a lot of strong husks passing through a long, thin area.

Floor Traps

Floor Launcher

A spring-loaded plate that launches enemies upwards. Like the wall launcher, but floor-style. Enemies, however, need to be relatively centered to trigger it. Best used to launch an enemy up and out using a slanted surface placed about it.


SSD Spawn Maps

Every Storm Shield Defense Spawn

Ready to defend your Storm Shield? Good! It is one of the most fun things to do in Fortnite. You can build up a massive base purely for defense, or maybe build it a little for aesthetics. Once you leave, the base remains behind unlike every other mission type in the game, so you can really go all out and sink ten tons of resources into it.
However, one potential little issue that some may find is that you don’t know where the enemies will spawn, but I’m here to help, Young Commander! Below are maps of every spawn point I’ve seen in the Storm Shield Defense missions. It is a possibility they are not perfect and may change depending on which amplifier you choose to put down.

How These Spawns Work

When you first put down your Storm Shield, the spawns will be close by and attack the Storm Shield hub. As you get to around placing the second amplifier, the husks won’t attack the hub anymore, they will target amplifiers. For spawns that happen at amplifier spots, they will no longer spawn there once you place the amplifier. They will spawn further out to attack it.

Stonewood Storm Shield Defense Map :


Plankerton Storm Shield Defense Map



Where are Canny Valley and Twine Peaks Storm Shield Defense Maps?

I’ll add Canny and Twine once I get through them. Plank and Stonewood are done through SSD 10, so I could be sure I saw all the potential spawns I could see. I want it to be the same with Canny and Twine. However, at the moment (April 11th 2018) I am only at about Canny SSD4 and making the long painful grind through the non-storied quests. So it will be a spell before I get these up, but once I unlock the ability to do CV 6 through 10, I’ll make it a priority, rest assured.
In the mean time, there have been reddit users who created their own maps. You can check those out at the links below while I slowly chug along like the most useless train.

Stonewood is the first location that players unlock on the PVE map. It has a recommended power level of 1-19. Players will need to complete all the missions on this map before unlocking Plankerton. There are over 50 buildings and landscapes to explore. Players will learn to build structures, place traps and defend their from waves of husks. This is the beginning zone for all new PVE players, so there are several tutorial missions to complete. 
  • Constructor Leadership - Unlock Constructor Leadership Tree Node
  • EMT Worker (Slot) - Assign a Survivor to the 1st EMT Squad Slot
  • Unlock Squads - Purchase the Unlock Squads Skill Tree Node
  • Before and After Science - Complete a Fight the Storm mission
  • Weakpoint Vision - learn how to swing for the weakpoint and reap additional rewards. 
  • Loot Llamas - Redeem a Mini llama from the Loot tab. Purchase and Upgrade Llama from the Loot tab. 
  • Stonewood Storm Shield Defense 1 - Players will learn how to establish a storm shield, activate it and then defend it. 
  • Ride the Lightning - Help Lars find and rescue his van
  • Stonewood Storm Shield Defense 2 - Increase your Storm Shield power level and defend.

SSD Spawn Maps

Monday, July 16, 2018

How many VBucks can you earn in Fortnite Save The World?

One question I always see people asking in online forums is how many VBucks can be earned from playing Fortnite’s PvE mode (Save the World).

 There is no true answer, as it entirely depends on how much choose you play.

There are other factors which can contribute to VBuck earnings, such as the time of year.

For example, right now, we have just had Valentines Day, St Patricks Day, Chinese New Year and Easter. Epic Games do really well when it comes to holidays, offering unique quest lines. Completing this entire series of quests right now offers 800 VBucks total, but these aren’t going to be around for much longer.

If you want a quick answer, the bare minimum of VBucks you can earn from Fortnite’s Save The World would probably be around 500 a week. I’m going to go into much more depth below, but that’s a quick answer.
Any VBucks that you do earn in Save The World can be spent in Battle Royale mode on any items from the Item Shop, or on the Battle Pass. If you wish, you can also spend them on loot boxes in PvE, which typically cost 100 VBucks each.
I play both Fortnite Save The World and Battle Royale. However, I’m a massive fan of PvE and spend much more of my time there.

Login Rewards & VBucks

Just logging in each day can offer VBuck rewards. You will receive your first rewards on Day 11, sitting at 50 VBucks. This is the lowest amount, with the next one on Day 28 offering 300 VBucks.

You can usually expect 150 VBucks every 7 days after reaching Day 70. Although some days offer a lot more. Day 112 and 224 offer 800 VBucks, where as Day 336 offers 1000.
You don’t have to login each day consecutively. If you logged in on Day 3, didn’t login again for a week, you’d then be on Day 4. The screenshot above shows that I earned 300 VBucks today on Day 84, and I’m due to earn 150 on Day 91.

Completing Daily Quests

Each day, you are given one daily quest in Fortnite Save The World. You can have a total of 3 at any time, before you won’t receive anymore until you have space.

Each daily quest offers 50 VBucks and 100 Daily tokens, which are spent in the PvE Event Store.

Therefor, for completing daily quests alone, you can expect 350 VBucks a week as long as you stay on top of them. You won’t unlock these straight away as a new player, you have to unlock it in the skill tree. Although you can get unlock them on your first day playing.
From completing daily quests: 350 VBucks a week

Storm Shield Defences

In Save the World, you have a permanent base, known as a storm shield. You will have 4 of these total, one for each area. One in Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley and Twine Peaks.
You will need to defend each storm shield 10 times in order to progress through the main story, and reclaim land from the storm. Every time you complete a storm shield defence, you are rewarded with 100 VBucks.

As you progress further along, doing Storm Shield defences may become slower, as they are harder and further through the story. Although after completing Stonewood Storm Shield Defence 6, you can do the other 4 whenever you want.

From completing Storm Shield Defences: Up to 4000 VBucks total over time

Collection book :

Inside of Save The World, there is something called a ‘Collection book’.

Here, you can slot items such as traps, weapons, survivors, defenders etc. Once they have been slotted, you can never have that exact item back.

It’s slightly confusing for newer players.
Once an item has been slotted in the collection book, you will gain experience and begin to level up the collection book. Getting the collection book to Level 6 which is relatively easy will get you 500 VBucks.

Whilst hitting level 26 and 91 will also offer an additional 500 VBucks each time.

500 VBucks is tempting, but I suggest you don’t just start getting rid of every schematic, hero and survivor you own. You will likely regret it in the long run.

From levelling up the collection book: 1500 VBucks total

Side Quests & Challenges

Alongside daily quests, you can also receive challenges. These are usually ‘Complete X missions’, ‘Find X amount of data’ etc, and usually offer between 30 and 100 VBucks at a time.

Challenges can be repeated many times, although they do have a cap. They are easy to complete along the main quest line or whilst doing daily challenges. Your challenges will eventually reach their limit, and you won’t receive them anymore.

From completing challenges: Around 200-500 VBucks a week

Conclusion :

Currently, PvE costs £35 in the UK, where as for that price, you could buy almost 4800 VBucks.

It’s pretty easy to get that amount back by playing Save The World.

Plus you’ll own another game and have a constant supply of free VBucks.

You can probably expect to get around 1000 VBucks a week with Save The World if you stick to it, 500 for the bare minimum.

It’s important to take part in the missions though. Don’t be the type of player that sits AFK in lobbies, sitting on the back of everyone else doing the hard work.
You will be punished by Epic Games!

Learn More : https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/forums/battle-royale/royale-with-cheese/282083-v-bucks-from-save-the-world

SSD Spawn Maps Tips and Tricks Traps

Fortnite: Where & How to find Encampments

A few main quests in Fortnite Save the World mode will consist of completing encampment missions. Or destroying a certain amount of encampments. If you’re relatively new to Fortnite, you might not know how to find them.
Firstly, an encampment is a structure that will have a few husks near it. As you get closer, the encampment will become active, and a large amount of husks will spawn, usually in multiple waves. After clearing all of the husks, the encampment will become destroyed and you will receive a reward.

How to find Encampments in Fortnite

The easiest way to come across multiple encampments at once would be to find a “Destroy the encampments” mission. You will find multiple encampment structures, usually around 10 in the zone.
If there are none of these missions available, you can head to pretty much any other zone as they are likely to have at least two encampments in the entire area. They look like the image above.
Players in your party may have found an encampment themselves. If so, a message will pop up at the top of the screen so keep your eyes peeled.

There really isn’t any strategy for dealing with them, as husks spawn in large amounts in your area. Have your abilities ready, especially ones that do area damage.
Melee Weapons Ranged Weapons SSD Spawn Maps Traps

Fortnite: Where & How to find Silver Ore

After leaving the Stonewood area in Fortnites PvE mode (Save The World), you’re going to find yourself needing Silver to craft higher level weapons.
Higher level players may be willing to give you some for free, or in exchange for items such as herbs. Just ask in Global Chat. Although you should always be careful when trading with other players. Scammers are out in full force right now. Only drop in small batches to avoid losing all of your materials.
Silver becomes very common towards the later stages of Plankerton, as you will receive it in most rewards and chests.

Farming Silver Ore

One of the first and most reliable ways of finding Silver Ore in Fortnite would be my mining it in caves. You can find it in Stonewood, but you need to search towards the higher levelled areas of Stonewood. It’s much more common in Plankerton.
Look for caves that go below ground, or into cliff sides. Head inside and look for Silver Ore. It looks like the image at the top of this article, silver with no actual rock built into it. Each ore inside a cave will give between one and two silver. You won’t receive the actual ore until the rock is destroyed.
If you are going to farm Silver this way, don’t do it in a public lobby. All you will end up doing is wasting your teams time. You can search the entire map for multiple caves, then just leave the mission without doing the objective. You will get to keep your inventory, but lose any mission progress or quest rewards.

Other methods for finding Silver Ore in Fortnite

Another easy method for farming Silver Ore would be to search toolboxes. You can find them any zones, but they are most prevalent in industrial areas. If you are in a suburban area, check car garages. When searching a tool box, they have a chance of giving Silver Ore when in Plankerton or above.

Searching chests can also net high amounts of Silver Ore. Chests can usually be found inside attics and basements in Plankerton. Lower areas will more than likely give copper ore. Again, you can leave the mission after searching a load of chests, you will keep your inventory.
Completing Storm Chests in high level areas have a chance of giving weapons which are a high enough tier that they are made of Silver. Not schematics, the actual weapon. You can pick these weapons up and recycle them in your inventory to get some of the components back.

Funny moments heroes

Fortnite: Where & How to find Fibrous Herbs

Fibrous Herbs are one of the most sought after materials in Fortnites PvE, and often used as a currency. Most players who want to trade will usually request or offer herbs as currency, due to how valuable they are.
High level traps, mostly legendary ones require Fibrous Herbs to craft, usually around 7 per trap. Herbs can’t be crafted either, or won from missions/quests. If you want them, you have to put in the time to farm them yourself.

Main method for getting Fibrous Herbs

The most profitable and easiest way to collect herbs is from bushes and plants. Just walk up to them and search them, they have a pretty high chance of giving herbs back. Not all plants are searchable, and not all will give you herbs, but most will.
You could start at your Stormshield, go right round and search every plant, even mushrooms. This will give you a good start, and also allow you to clean up your base.
Next, drop into forest zones. Obviously these are going to have the most plants out of any area, as they in complete abundance. If you do go this route, do it in a private lobby, which you can control from the settings.
Looting an entire forest zone is going to take a long time, and you don’t want to waste your teams time by not taking part in the objective. Go into the lowest possible level area if you want to, you will get the same amount of herbs as the highest too.
Once you have looted a lot, you can just leave the mission without doing the objective, you will get to keep your inventory. However you will lose any quest progress you made in this zone.

Other methods for obtaining herbs in Fortnite

Sending off heroes on expeditions can also grant you herbs. Go for the ones with the red toolbox, as they offer a pretty good chance of returning herbs. Although this isn’t as fast as searching them yourself.
Other locations you can search include anything that might contain organic materials. Such as food shelves, vending machines and refrigerators. So search everything you come across!

Fortnite: How & Where to find Quartz

Quartz is another major material in Fortnite Save The World. However it isn’t sought after as much as Fibrous Herbs or Silver Ore. Quartz is required for certain types of traps, such as freeze traps as well as various high level weapons.
Even though you might not find much use for it, you should keep hold of it. It may come in handy one day, and other players may request some in Global Chat if you’re feeling generous.

Just like most other minerals, Quartz can most commonly be found in caves. It is found in chunks on walls and in floors, like the image above. It is a grey rock with silver shards sticking out. To get the actual quartz, you need to fully destroy the rock.
If you’re looking to mine quarts, head to an area such as Forests, as they usually have more caves. Also do it in a private session, so you can spend time looking around the entire map without wasting your teams time. You can do this by changing the privacy settings to ‘Private’. You can leave the mission at any time without completing the objective, as you get to keep your inventory. Any quest/mission progress will be lost however.
There are a few other ways in which you might receive coal, although the chances are slimmer. Mission and quest rewards can give Quartz, as well as chests. Try rescuing survivors, completing radar grids and destroying encampments. If you’re ever carrying too much quartz, store some in your Stormshield storage!


Will Fortnite Battle Royale get Vehicles?

One question on most players mind is whether Fortnite Battle Royale will ever get vehicles in a future update. It’s definitely possible, as Epic Games seem to be throwing all sorts of crazy ideas around. We’ve seen it with Impulse Grenades, Guided Missiles and now the Port-A-Fort.

Recently, the PvE portion of Fortnite received its very first vehicle, the Hoverboard. You can see it in action on the image above. It was greatly needed in PvE, so that players could travel the entire map faster as well as to combat the gruelling stamina system.
Personally, I don’t see why the Hoverboard wouldn’t make a great addition to the Battle Royale mode too. If Epic Games decided to implement the Hoverboard to BR, then it would most likely be balanced. It would certainly be less useful than jump pads, as it only increases movement speed on the ground.

Fortnites Jetpack reveal

The Jetpack was revealed in Fortnite Battle Royale towards the end of February 2018, said to be coming in that weeks patch. Its supposed release marked the first iteration of vehicles into the game.
However just a day later, an Epic Games Community Manager on Reddit stated that due to a last-minute design issue, it wouldn’t be released that week after all. Instead, the jetpack was replaced with the Hunting Rifle as the new item.
Almost 6 weeks on, we still haven’t heard anything new. Whether the idea has been scrapped is unknown.

Should Fortnite get vehicles?

That’s the big question. The jetpack doesn’t sound like too much of an issue, as it will primarily move vertically. It doesn’t allow you to travel around the map at fast speeds.
If you haven’t already noticed, the Fortnite Battle Royale map is significantly smaller than PlayerUnknown’s Battleground (which does have vehicles). This isn’t a bad thing of course, games are simply shorter and you’re likely to run into more players.
But adding ground vehicles into the mix such as cars or bikes means you will possibly be able to cross the entire map in a matter of minutes. At the moment, you can expect to travel from Snobby Shores to Wailing Woods in around 7 minutes by sprinting. In a vehicle, this could possibly hit as low as 2 and a half minutes.
In an interview with GameSpot, Fortnite developers stated they have “nothing to announce right now regarding vehicles”, but players “shouldn’t rule anything out”. It’s a clear indication that vehicles is most likely at the back of developers minds.
If we do see vehicles in the future, it’s likely we’ll only see ‘fun’ iterations, starting with the jetpack of course. Possibly even the Hoverboard in a future update. Other vehicles could be shopping carts, bulldozers and even golf carts. These could also give a more practical use to gas stations.

Melee Weapons SSD Spawn Maps Traps

Beginner's guide - Downloading and installing Fortnite

First things first, let's get you up and running with the game client. Here's how to install Fortnite on all the currently
 available platforms:
PC and Mac
Fortnite isn't available to download from Steam, so you're going to have to first of all download the Epic game launcher.
Just head over to Epic's official page for the game, select your platform and wait for the installer download to finish. When it has, double-click it and follow the instructions from there - nice and easy!

PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch
It's even easier to get started with Fortnite: Battle Royale if you're playing on consoles. All you have to do is head into each console's store, search 'Fortnite' and then select the game to download. It's free to play on all systems, so you won't have to hand over a single penny to get started.
Before you doing pretty much anything else, take a look at this awesome video from Skill Up, which goes into detail about some general tactics that you should look to employ when playing Fortnite Battle Royale.

- In the opening stages of a match, it's vital that you try to grab as much loot as you can physically get your hands on. You want weapon options and building resources at this stage, and lots of the latter.
- When it comes to weapons, the most important items to target for your collection are a Shotgun, and Assault Rifle and a Sniper Rifle. These three fundamentals are an excellent starting point for your arsenal. These will set you up nicely for the rest of the game and are the perfect tools to cause some pain at any engagement range (expect them all!)
- There are different kinds of Sniper Rifle, however, and so try to keep in mind that you'll ideally want to prioritise getting a Bolt-Action version of the weapon. Although these weapons can be less forgiving if you're unsteady with your aim, if you manage to land a shot with one you'll be laughing all the way to the next storm circle. These things pack an incredible punch!
- Try and burst fire automatic weapons as you'll be far more accurate. Wildly spraying at opponents won't guarantee you land every shot! Focus on accuracy and control when gunning down an enemy.
- Aim to minimise deaths, not maximise your kill count when starting out in Fortnite: Battle Royale. Of course, it's good to chase fights to learn the game, but don't focus entirely on your kill-death-ratio.
- Be careful when looting enemies. Take an extra second to look around and ensure you're safe to secure your goodies.
- Remember that almost every structure or object in Fortnite: Battle Royale can be destroyed. Walls, trees and anything you build can be shot down by opponents. Avoid sticking in one position for too long and use this destructability to your advantage.
Here are the items you should try to get your hands on in order of priority.
  • Shotgun
  • Assault Rifle
  • Sniper
  • Meds
  • Shield
Everything else is luxury and will help you win the game, but these are the core fundamentals of a winning strategy. We'll make a final note here though about Rocket Launchers. These can be very useful for taking out late-game bases in particular, but in the earlier stages of a match these should sit somewhere further down the shopping list.
Movement and environment
If you're a PUBG player, then you're going to need to start retraining your brain when it comes to thinking about traversal. Don't forget, after all, that you can now build stairs and get up sloped areas quickly that way. It's a new meta to learn, and you need to start getting used to these mechanics mmediately.
Don't forget that you can place walls anywhere, something that can be very useful if you're taking heavy fire and want to gain the upper hand. Always be thinking about your vulnerabilities - and your escape points - and how you can swing the tide of battle back in your favour when you find yourself under pressure.
Remember too that you are at a huge disadvantage whenever you push into a building. The person inside (if there is one) is going to know where you're coming from, and although they can hear you coming, you can't see their exact location. If you know someone's inside, wait for them to come out of the building instead and catch them by surprise, rather than stalking them through the interior.
Alternatively, use those building materials you've gathered and create a structure that wraps around the building they're in. At that point, you can stake them out from above and effectively turns the tables on them, without putting yourself in a particularly vulnerable position.

How to download & install Fortnite BR

Create an Epic Games account :

If you havn’t already, you’re going to need to create an Epic Games account. Fortnite is run through the Epic Games launcher, not Steam, Origin or uPlay. It’s free and only takes a moment to do so. You just need to have an email address ready. If the link above doesn’t work, just head here and choose ‘Play free now’.

epic games create account

Download Fortnite

You can head to the download page for Epic Games Launcher and choose your operating system. Whether it be Mac or Windows. Once it’s downloaded, open it and log in to the account that you created in the previous step.
You can find the tab for Fortnite at the top of the launcher. Choose install, select your install location and let it do its thing. The install size for Fortnite is currently around 10GB. Once installed, hit the Launch button and you’re ready to go!

How to download and install Fortnite Battle Royale
Launch Fortnite from within the Launcher
The first screen you’ll come across is where you choose whether you want to play the PvE Co-Op or Battle Royale. Make sure to choose Battle Royale unless you plan on purchasing PvE.

Configuring Fortnite

When Fortnite is open, make sure to adjust your settings such as mouse sensitivity and controls. The settings menu can be found in the top right. Adjust your graphics to ensure the game runs smooth, enable or disable voice chat and change other settings like your crosshair.

fortnite settings menu
Settings menu
You are now able to search for games, whether solo or in a party and begin levelling and working up your Battle Pass!

Earn free Fortnite V-Bucks

We've teamed up with AppKarma to provide bonuses to our readers. AppKarma pays you to play games and try apps on your mobile phone! You can spend the cash on VBucks in Fortnite and get that skin you've been itching for. Use the referrer code PwrDown or our link above for 500 Bonus points to get started.


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