Monday, July 16, 2018

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Beginner's guide - Downloading and installing Fortnite

First things first, let's get you up and running with the game client. Here's how to install Fortnite on all the currently
 available platforms:
PC and Mac
Fortnite isn't available to download from Steam, so you're going to have to first of all download the Epic game launcher.
Just head over to Epic's official page for the game, select your platform and wait for the installer download to finish. When it has, double-click it and follow the instructions from there - nice and easy!

PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch
It's even easier to get started with Fortnite: Battle Royale if you're playing on consoles. All you have to do is head into each console's store, search 'Fortnite' and then select the game to download. It's free to play on all systems, so you won't have to hand over a single penny to get started.
Before you doing pretty much anything else, take a look at this awesome video from Skill Up, which goes into detail about some general tactics that you should look to employ when playing Fortnite Battle Royale.

- In the opening stages of a match, it's vital that you try to grab as much loot as you can physically get your hands on. You want weapon options and building resources at this stage, and lots of the latter.
- When it comes to weapons, the most important items to target for your collection are a Shotgun, and Assault Rifle and a Sniper Rifle. These three fundamentals are an excellent starting point for your arsenal. These will set you up nicely for the rest of the game and are the perfect tools to cause some pain at any engagement range (expect them all!)
- There are different kinds of Sniper Rifle, however, and so try to keep in mind that you'll ideally want to prioritise getting a Bolt-Action version of the weapon. Although these weapons can be less forgiving if you're unsteady with your aim, if you manage to land a shot with one you'll be laughing all the way to the next storm circle. These things pack an incredible punch!
- Try and burst fire automatic weapons as you'll be far more accurate. Wildly spraying at opponents won't guarantee you land every shot! Focus on accuracy and control when gunning down an enemy.
- Aim to minimise deaths, not maximise your kill count when starting out in Fortnite: Battle Royale. Of course, it's good to chase fights to learn the game, but don't focus entirely on your kill-death-ratio.
- Be careful when looting enemies. Take an extra second to look around and ensure you're safe to secure your goodies.
- Remember that almost every structure or object in Fortnite: Battle Royale can be destroyed. Walls, trees and anything you build can be shot down by opponents. Avoid sticking in one position for too long and use this destructability to your advantage.
Here are the items you should try to get your hands on in order of priority.
  • Shotgun
  • Assault Rifle
  • Sniper
  • Meds
  • Shield
Everything else is luxury and will help you win the game, but these are the core fundamentals of a winning strategy. We'll make a final note here though about Rocket Launchers. These can be very useful for taking out late-game bases in particular, but in the earlier stages of a match these should sit somewhere further down the shopping list.
Movement and environment
If you're a PUBG player, then you're going to need to start retraining your brain when it comes to thinking about traversal. Don't forget, after all, that you can now build stairs and get up sloped areas quickly that way. It's a new meta to learn, and you need to start getting used to these mechanics mmediately.
Don't forget that you can place walls anywhere, something that can be very useful if you're taking heavy fire and want to gain the upper hand. Always be thinking about your vulnerabilities - and your escape points - and how you can swing the tide of battle back in your favour when you find yourself under pressure.
Remember too that you are at a huge disadvantage whenever you push into a building. The person inside (if there is one) is going to know where you're coming from, and although they can hear you coming, you can't see their exact location. If you know someone's inside, wait for them to come out of the building instead and catch them by surprise, rather than stalking them through the interior.
Alternatively, use those building materials you've gathered and create a structure that wraps around the building they're in. At that point, you can stake them out from above and effectively turns the tables on them, without putting yourself in a particularly vulnerable position.

How to download & install Fortnite BR

Create an Epic Games account :

If you havn’t already, you’re going to need to create an Epic Games account. Fortnite is run through the Epic Games launcher, not Steam, Origin or uPlay. It’s free and only takes a moment to do so. You just need to have an email address ready. If the link above doesn’t work, just head here and choose ‘Play free now’.

epic games create account

Download Fortnite

You can head to the download page for Epic Games Launcher and choose your operating system. Whether it be Mac or Windows. Once it’s downloaded, open it and log in to the account that you created in the previous step.
You can find the tab for Fortnite at the top of the launcher. Choose install, select your install location and let it do its thing. The install size for Fortnite is currently around 10GB. Once installed, hit the Launch button and you’re ready to go!

How to download and install Fortnite Battle Royale
Launch Fortnite from within the Launcher
The first screen you’ll come across is where you choose whether you want to play the PvE Co-Op or Battle Royale. Make sure to choose Battle Royale unless you plan on purchasing PvE.

Configuring Fortnite

When Fortnite is open, make sure to adjust your settings such as mouse sensitivity and controls. The settings menu can be found in the top right. Adjust your graphics to ensure the game runs smooth, enable or disable voice chat and change other settings like your crosshair.

fortnite settings menu
Settings menu
You are now able to search for games, whether solo or in a party and begin levelling and working up your Battle Pass!

Earn free Fortnite V-Bucks

We've teamed up with AppKarma to provide bonuses to our readers. AppKarma pays you to play games and try apps on your mobile phone! You can spend the cash on VBucks in Fortnite and get that skin you've been itching for. Use the referrer code PwrDown or our link above for 500 Bonus points to get started.


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