Tuesday, July 17, 2018

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All Fortnite Traps

If you play Fortnite Save the World like its Call of Duty, it certainly can be done, but you are going to have to take a timeout every few missions to go round up a bunch of nuts and bolts for all that ammo you use up. Instead, you can spend less material for a trap that murders all those husks for you. However, you need to know what traps are effective for what sort of situations. You also need to take care in leveling traps with relatively decent rolls. You don’t want want a level 3 trap with terrible rolls because chances are something better will come along much sooner. So head on down below to learn all about trappin’.

Wall Traps

Wall Darts

This trap shoots darts out in a straight line in front of it damaging enemies. Excellent for the far end of kill tunnels in which multiple enemies will be in a straight line. These darts only have a maximum range of three tile, but they can shoot over low walls and pyramids. As they do not require precious nuts and bolts, they also are a good “I want to put a trap on this wall, but I don’t want to spend a lot of resources” trap.

Wall Dynamo

Let’s out a big shock burst in front of the trap area. These wall traps feature both high damage and a stun for enemies, but the trade-off is that it has a long reload time. The major benefit is that this is one of the few traps you can put on low walls making it great for combining with other traps like having wall darts on a full wall behind your half wall.

Wall Launcher

A spring loaded launcher that can launch husks 1 to 2 tiles away. This offers a light stun in the form of a knockback. However, the best way to utilize these traps, aside from keeping husks off important walls, is to launch husks off a cliff or into a basement pit with no stairs upwards. In both situations, those husks will despawn.

Wall Lights

A set of lights that turn on to stun husks. This is an excellent choice for stunning husks so you can shoot them. However, it is best utilized to stun husks in ceiling gas traps or other damage traps, especially those with a fast reload.

Wall Spikes

It’s a board. With spikes on it. This trap can be placed on any size wall and has a low reload time. This trap essentially does damage every time a husk beats on that wall, but the wall will still take damage. The damage is, unfortunately, low, though so it is difficult to make great use of.

Ceiling Traps

AOE Ceiling Zapper

A trap that send an AOE shock pulse out in a 3×3 field from the center. This bad boy is excellent for clearing a lot of weak husks, but at least one husk has to pass immediately under it to trigger.

Single Target Ceiling Zapper

It zaps a single target. This is like a wall dynamo for the ceiling. It does a lot of damage, but takes a while to reload. Decent if you have a lot of strong husks passing through a long, thin area.

Floor Traps

Floor Launcher

A spring-loaded plate that launches enemies upwards. Like the wall launcher, but floor-style. Enemies, however, need to be relatively centered to trigger it. Best used to launch an enemy up and out using a slanted surface placed about it.


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